Pooling coefficients (pool
Once you have a Mira
object containing the results of repeated analyses, you can use the pool
function to pool the results. The pool
function returns the pooled results wrapped in a Mipo
— TypeMipo
A type for storing the pooled results of multiply imputed repeated analyses (Mira
— Functionpool(mira::Mira)
Pools the results of multiply imputed repeated analyses (Mira
). The function will work on any Mira
object containing model outputs which are receptive to the coef
, stderror
and nobs
functions from StatsAPI.jl.
The pool
function should work on any Mira
of model outputs that accept the StatsAPI functions coef
, stderror
and nobs
. Otherwise, you will get an error and you will need to pool the results manually in accordance with Rubin's rules [3].
For example:
using CSV, DataFrames, GLM, Mice, Random
myData = CSV.read("test/data/cirrhosis.csv", DataFrame, missingstring = "NA");
myData.Stage = categorical(myData.Stage); # Making the Stage variable categorical
myPredictorMatrix = makePredictorMatrix(myData);
myPredictorMatrix[:, ["ID", "N_Days"]] .= false;
Random.seed!(1234); # Set random seed for reproducibility
imputedData = mice(myData, predictorMatrix = myPredictorMatrix);
analysesLMs = with(imputedData, data -> lm(@formula(N_Days ~ Drug + Age + Stage + Bilirubin), data));
# returns Mira of linear model outputs from each imputed dataset
resultsLMs = pool(analysesLMs);
# returns Mipo of pooled linear model results