Binding imputations together
If you have a number of Mids
objects that were produced in the same way (e.g. through multithreading), you can bind them together into a single Mids
object using the function bindImputations
. Note that the log of events might not make sense in the resulting object: it is better to inspect the logs of the individual objects before binding them together.
— FunctionbindImputations(
Combines two Mids
objects into one. The two objects must have been created from the same dataset, with the same imputation methods, predictor matrix, visit sequence and number of iterations. The numbers of imputations can be different.
Combines a vector of Mids
objects into one Mids
object. They must all have been created from the same dataset with the same imputation methods, predictor matrix, visit sequence and number of iterations. The number of imputations can be different.
Combines any number of Mids
objects into one Mids
object. They must all have been created from the same dataset with the same imputation methods, predictor matrix, visit sequence and number of iterations. The number of imputations can be different.